Epworth Sleepiness Test
Sleep Better with The Sleep Lab
Are you struggling with daytime sleepiness? Do you find it difficult to stay awake during activities like reading, watching TV, or even driving? You might be experiencing excessive sleepiness, and The Sleep Lab is here to help.
At The Sleep Lab, we can help you understand your sleep patterns. We can tailor testing and treatment plans that work for you and your schedule. So don't let sleepiness control your life.
Take the following test – if your total score is 9 or higher, call The Sleep Lab -808-234-0033. Visit our website: www.Thesleeplabhawaii.com
0 = no chance of dozing
1 = slight chance of dozing
2 = moderate chance of dozing
3 = high chance of dozing
__Sitting and reading
__Watching TV
__Sitting inactive in a public place (i.e. a theater or meeting)
__As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break
__Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit
__Sitting and talking to someone
__Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol
__In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic
Total Score: ________________
Scoring Results:
1-6 = You are getting enough sleep
7-8 = Your score is average
9 and up – Call THE SLEEP LAB
Call us at 808-234-0033 or visit our Website: www.Thesleeplabhawaii.com